The Office Chair: To Armrest or Not To Armrest

The Office Chair: To Armrest or Not To Armrest

In the world of office furniture, the choice of an office chair can make or break your workspace. At Cassa Vida, we understand the importance of selecting the right office chair, and we’re here to help you make an informed decision. One of the most debated aspects of office chairs is the presence of armrests. Do you go for armrests, or do you opt for a sleek, armless design? In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of both options, helping you decide whether to armrest or not to armrest.

The Case for Armrests

  1. Comfort and Support

Armrests can offer a significant degree of comfort and support. They provide a resting place for your arms, reducing strain on your shoulders and neck. This support can help improve your posture and prevent discomfort during long working hours. If you suffer from back pain or other physical issues, armrests can be a savior.

  1. Enhanced Productivity

Having armrests on your office chair can boost productivity. They allow you to relax your arms, reducing muscle fatigue and stress. When your body feels comfortable, you’re better able to focus on your tasks. Armrests can also serve as additional work surfaces for tasks that require stability, like writing or using a tablet.

  1. Versatility

Armrests are versatile and accommodating. They provide a sense of stability, especially if you need to sit and get up frequently during your workday. They’re great for people of different heights and body types, ensuring a customizable and comfortable sitting experience.

  1. Style and Aesthetics

Armrests can add a touch of elegance to your office space. They come in various designs and materials, allowing you to match your chair with your overall décor. Whether you prefer leather, wood, or sleek metal armrests, they can enhance the visual appeal of your workspace.

The Case Against Armrests

  1. Limited Mobility

One of the primary drawbacks of armrests is that they can limit your mobility. You may find it challenging to move your chair closer to your desk, making it less flexible for tasks that require close interaction with your work surface. If your work involves a lot of reaching or quickly pivoting, armrests can hinder your movements.

  1. Space Considerations

In smaller offices or workstations, armrests can take up valuable space. This can be particularly problematic if you have limited room to maneuver or if you need to fit multiple chairs around a table for meetings or collaborative work. Armless chairs can be a more space-efficient option.

  1. Personal Preferences

The choice between armrests and no armrests often comes down to personal preference. Some people simply prefer the freedom of movement provided by armless chairs. If you find armrests uncomfortable or restrictive, it’s essential to prioritize your comfort and ergonomic needs.

  1. Cost

Chairs with armrests tend to be more expensive than their armless counterparts. If budget constraints are a concern, you may opt for an armless chair that offers the same level of ergonomic support and comfort. Cassa Vida offers a wide range of cost-effective office chairs to suit your needs.


So, should you armrest or not armrest? The decision ultimately depends on your individual needs, preferences, and workspace considerations. If you value comfort, support, and an elegant look, armrests might be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you prioritize mobility, space efficiency, and personal preference, an armless chair could be the perfect fit.

At Cassa Vida, we understand the importance of finding the perfect office chair for your unique requirements. We offer a wide selection of office chairs, both with and without armrests, ensuring that you’ll find the ideal chair to enhance your workspace. Visit our store in Australia or browse our online selection to explore the many options available to you.

Remember, the best office chair is one that allows you to work comfortably and productively. So, whether you choose armrests or not, make sure it aligns with your specific needs and the design of your workspace. Your chair should be an extension of your productivity and style, enhancing your overall work experience at Cassa Vida.

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